have many advantages such as the relieve of muscle tension, decrease of stiffness, increase of the blood flow, it gives a sense of relaxation and it can have positive effects on recovery. Using the right products not only enhances the effectiveness of the massage but also promotes safety and comfort for both the therapist and the client/patient. It is essential to choose the right products for both the client/patient and for the therapist.

The Skin
Healthy skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body and consists out of three layers; epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis plays a very important role as protective barrier. It protects the body against external influences, such as viruses, bacteria, allergens, irritants… but it also provides us with protection against heat, cold and mechanical stress (frictions, pressure etc). In addition to providing external protection, the epidermis also helps retain moisture, preventing water loss to support healthy skin.
The dermis provides physical and nutritional support to the epidermis. The hypodermis, also called subcutaneous fat, plays a role in shock absorption, energy storage and maintenance of body heat. It is the epidermis and dermis which are the principal layers of the skin.
Healthy skin is the first step in achieving optimal protection.
There are two main factors involved:
The Stratum Corneum (SC), this is the top layer of the skin. It is built out of cells and in between those cells there are lipids. The lipids consist mainly of free fatty acids, cholesterol and ceramides. Those lipids make it possible to retain water inside the skin and prevent that water evaporates through the skin. They make sure the skin has a decent level of hydration. Together the cells and lipids form a really tight structure and make it hard for substances to enter or leave the body. They form a good barrier and retain water in the skin.
The second main factor for a healthy protective barrier are the natural moisturizing factors (NMF). Those are little substances inside the cells of the SC, which make sure there is enough hydration of the skin, by retaining water inside the cells. NMF are mostly amino acids, sugars, mineral ions (e.g. potassium, calcium,…), lactic acid and urea.
To maintain a healthy hydrated skin it is especially important to have a tight structure of the Stratum Corneum and the presence of natural moisturizing factors.
Effects of massage on the skin
Every day, the skin endures mechanical stress from various forces, including stretching, compression, touch, and friction. Massage therapy involves applying mechanical pressure to the skin, which can lead to damage in the outer layer, especially during frequent or prolonged sessions without appropriate massage lotions.
This damage can result in increased skin exfoliation, thinning, and dehydration, ultimately causing various skin problems. This concern is particularly relevant for therapists, as their hands experience significant stress during these treatments.
Applying massage techniques without a medium increases mechanical stress on the skin, leading to sensations of burning or tearing. To avoid this, a suitable massage medium is necessary except for targeted local treatment.

What to look for when choosing a massage product?
Massage therapy means all kind of massages applied by professionals or in clinics and hospitals which consists as the “manipulation of the soft tissues of the body by a trained therapist”.
The sensitive skin is the sole therapeutical medium for the massage and massage causes a mechanical load on healthy or damaged skin. It is crucial to choose the right product to complement the chosen treatment while at the same time protecting the sensitive skin from any friction or mechanical stress.
If a wrong massage product is used this could be very unpleasant for the patient, but even so for the therapist who has multiple daily contact with the product.
Due to allergies to certain ingredients and the product's use with often more fragile patients, it is essential that the product is hypo allergenic and, depending on the target population, dermatologically tested to prevent any adverse reactions.
Massage products must meet several essential requirements:
They should provide protection against mechanical pressure.
They should enhance the glide of the therapist’s hands over the skin.
They should nourish and hydrate the skin.
The product must be safe for daily use on the skin, and for specific applications
It should have a high spreadability and be easily washable.
There are multiple of intermediates that can be used:
Powder: is not recommended because when absorbing water this will form lumps’ that will damage the skin. The smallest lump ’ can leave microscopic lesions on the skin
Gel: This is a blend of water and oil, which has the drawback of absorbing quickly into the skin. This may require multiple reapplications or lead to a less comfortable treatment experience.
Oil: provides excellent glide but has the drawback of being greasy. It’s crucial to select high-quality oils stored in dark containers, as exposure to light causes oxidation. Oxidized oil can develop an unpleasant smell and produce toxins, which, if applied to the skin, may cause severe reactions.
Lotions: A blend of oil and water, this product is one of the most commonly used for massages alongside oils. Its main advantage is the ability to carry multiple nourishing ingredients for the skin, without leaving the client or patient feeling greasy afterward, and it’s typically easy to wash off.

How does NAQI help with the skin restoration?
When you choose massage products there is a wide variety of vehicles on the market. Going from powder to hydrogel, pure oils to emulsions. But not all of them have the desired glide effect or level of skin protection.
The NAQI® dermo-cosmetic product range for massage therapy consists out of a wide variety of neutral, cooling, relaxing and warming massage lotions. NAQI® created different lotions to adapt to the specific needs of therapists.
NAQI® designed their massage lotions with both the patient/client and the therapist in mind. Since therapists work with massage products every day, it's essential that their hands receive the best possible care.
NAQI® massage lotions are oil-in-water emulsions with a liquid crystal structure, similar to the skin’s natural lamellar lipid structure. These lotions enhance hydration and help retain moisture in the skin.
They are quickly absorbed, providing protection while helping to restore and maintain the skin's natural balance.
Another competitive advantage of the NAQI® massage lotions is the choice of excellent oils.
NAQI® maximizes the use of Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate, given its exceptional distribution capacity. Only a small droplet of this oil covers a large surface leaving only a very thin film on the skin, maximally reducing the mechanical load. NAQI® made its oil selection by searching non-occlusive oils with excellent lubrication and spreadability.
To prevent the potential damage caused by the mechanical friction of the massage therapy the NAQI® massage lotions contain additional nourishing ingredients. For the different massage lotions we selected allantoin and panthenol as healing and regenerating factors. To strengthen an nourish the skin.
Panthenol is also a hydrating agent to keep the skin healthy. These ingredients will leave the skin of both the therapist as the client/patient soft and healthy after every treatment with the NAQI® massage lotions.
To guarantee the safety and comfort of the patient and the therapist, NAQI® have tested their neutral massage lotions dermatologically. All of them are clinically proven to be harmless to the possibility of skin irritation. There aren’t any ingredients of animal origin.